Los espacios colaborativos se han vuelto grandes aliados para las empresas en Barcelona. Estas diez razones explican el porqué de estas nuevas oficinas.

10 reasons for choosing collaborative spaces for companies in Barcelona

10 March, 2021

After a very agitated year, it seems that things are getting back on track. However, the work paradigm has changed and so must companies, investing their resources in spaces that really generate benefits and are useful for their teams.

Today we want to present ten reasons to use collaborative spaces in Barcelona in times of pandemic. The “new normal” leads us to evolve, and this step can bring us many changes and new working models.


10 reasons to use collaborative spaces in Barcelona

Throughout our website, you will have discovered many tips, such as the possibility of saving money thanks to coworking. The flexible spaces in our office or the possibility of work from home invite us more and more to use common spaces between companies that can share similar resources.

  1. Decentralization: If you have offices in spaces located in different cities, you will have your collaborators working effectively in their place of residence without the need to travel constantly or move for working reasons.
  2. Flexibility: After this crisis, the future of work and the need to spend time with our families has become a constant topic of conversation. We now need options to work in the office or remotely or even combine both. The flexibility offered by these spaces is essential for these agreements.
  3. Investment: Buying or renting your own office can be a high fixed cost for companies, as well as equipping and maintaining it. Collaborative spaces allow companies to size their offices according to what they need at any time, without having to assume unnecessary fixed costs.
  4. Spaces: These places have spaces for common use, or rest and eating areas that help to improve the quality of working life and enhance productivity, as well as encouraging the exchange of ideas and creativity.
  5. Human connection: A study by The Hamilton Place Strategies & Replica shows that 80% of new generations feel disconnected from their team when working from home. Working in the same place allows us to interact with others, which enables us to get feedback from new perspectives and listen to other proposals. All with the aim of continuing to grow.
  6. Relationship between generations: People of all ages use these places, which helps there to be an exchange of experience between them. Thanks to this, a continuous learning process will lead us to look at the future from different perspectives.
  7. Networking: In collaborative spaces, there are many synergies and a desire to work together. Start-ups and small companies can be in regular contact and very interesting alliances can arise.
  8. Decision-making: These offices facilitate meetings and interactions between the different members of an activity, whatever their position or responsibility. This will give you other views on the same problem and help you make decisions that are more efficient.
  9. Innovation: The right workspace is critical for innovation. Collaboration with others stimulates creativity, encourages design thinking and brainstorming, where the best ideas and teamwork emerge.
  10. All-inclusive service: Collaborative spaces have an all-inclusive service that includes services such as internet, supplies and cleaning. All you have to do is concentrate on your activity and worry about your business.



At Gran Vía Business & Meeting Center we believe that collaborative spaces for companies in Barcelona are an advantage and an opportunity for those who use them. Surely, after reading this article, you will have discovered that the next step comes through a flexible office like ours.

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