How to find the best type of workspace for a team of workers

19 May, 2023

Nowadays it is easy and common to find a workspace inspired by the privacy and comfort of home. But are companies aware of how many different types of spaces can be found in the same workspace?

Nowadays, both companies and employees prioritise having a comfortable and flexible workspace. At the same time, both parties value a professional environment that can offer the privacy and autonomy they need to be more efficient.Gran Via Business & Meeting Center explains which are the 4 types of workspaces that are gaining more and more relevance among the most innovative companies.

How to identify the types of workspaces?
The office is the place where professionals spend most of their time. It can therefore have an impact on employees’ moods, the way they interact with colleagues and their general well-being.
Therefore, companies need to correctly identify which types of workspaces can offer their employees the friendly, optimal and efficient environment they need.
On the other hand, there is teleworking: an avenue that has recently evolved and has not only given way to new ways of organising and operating companies, but has also created the ideal scenario for entrepreneurship and self-employment.
Although remote work is not a new concept, the pandemic has made this modality even more important and it has become one of the main professional trends.
In this context, both companies and freelancers should opt for flexible workspaces that help increase well-being and productivity.

Types of workspaces and the benefits of each one
Nobody thinks that the space where work is done does not influence its quality. Therefore, it is essential not only to have functional spaces with everything necessary to carry out daily tasks.
But, beyond this, they must be attractive spaces that help to reduce stress, increase productivity and raise happiness at work.

So, what are the 4 most popular types of workspaces today?

Among the types of workspaces, the individual workspace is one of the most commonly used when it comes to prioritising privacy.
This type of space is made up of ergonomic modular systems that can be adapted according to the dimensions of the office. It combines the comfort of a home office with the efficiency and all that a standard office offers.
The individual workspace allows the employee to work focused and undistracted, so they can be more productive.
While the individual workspace favours privacy, its design also offers solutions to mobility, comfort and co-working needs.
Collective workspace types are notable for their flexibility. They are composed of open areas and furniture that encourage interaction and collaborative work.
One of their main advantages is their ability to create a mixed space. That is, the furniture can be adapted to create group activities or separated for individual tasks.
This type of space facilitates dynamics such as brainstorming, thus encouraging greater creativity. At the same time, they favour an environment where collaborators can create synergies by interacting with different professional profiles in the same space.
Professional reception
The reception is the area through which visitors, employees and suppliers pass. It is therefore one of the most important types of workspaces within any company.
Rest area
There comes a time in the working day when everyone needs to recharge their batteries and return to work more focused and motivated.
Rest areas are the ideal space for employees to disconnect from work for a moment.
In this type of space there are usually armchairs that provide the necessary comfort to rest for a while and also to interact with colleagues.
In addition, there can also be a dining room, cafeteria or other environments that favour relaxation, such as terraces that take advantage of the surroundings and location of the workspace.

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