5 trends that show the path of workspaces in 2021

22 December, 2020

Gran Via Business & Meeting Center gauges the main office design trends of 2021, considering the influence of COVID-19 and how they can affect employee well-being and productivity, among other factors.


At the advent of Christmas festivities, in this time of year we must look forward and focus on the trends and movements that will reach the workspaces sector by 2021. From the configuration of workspace space and technology, the mission is to get ahead and follow the latest trends in office update and interior design in order to inform users correctly and effectively. This is what the team of professionals from Gran Via Business & Meeting Center are doing this year, albeit with a new perspective that centralizes the post-pandemic workspace.


The situation caused by the coronavirus has altered the most premature predictions which were made in 2020. With the new perspectives in mind, key new trends have emerged in office design, some of which have been greatly influenced by this year’s events. Many of these are relatively normal in themselves, and can help foster a better and more productive workplace at the same time. This business center in Barcelona analyzes some of them:


Acoustics and workspaces

Although the soundproofing of spaces has been present for years in the spaces of Gran Via BC, one of the main complaints in the use of workspaces is the level of distraction, especially because of the background noise. Although there are practical solutions to many of these problems, the issue of noise pollution will not go away on its own, and specialized centers must take note in this regard.


Many companies are looking for sound-absorbing acoustic panels as a method to reduce the amount of noise in the workplace. After all, this solution has done wonders in music studios and other workspaces where sound is a problem.


Remote offices

One of the biggest misconceptions of remote work is to view it as a consequence of the global pandemic. In fact, telework has been consistently gaining popularity and ground in the years leading up to 2020. While many companies were initially skeptical (and resilient) to the idea of allowing workers to move away from their offices, different modalities of workspaces and flexible offices have shown that, in fact, many employees are more productive with these options. It also helps them to achieve a better work-personal life balance, which results directly into greater enthusiasm and productivity. A situation that leads to the following trend.



Hybrid workspaces

The proposal of working from home has had a direct influence on the office traditional environment, although many companies do not get to see it. Changing a corporate atmosphere for a more relaxed and homey feeling is one of the biggest attractions for workers, whether they are new additions or experienced ones. In fact, studies have shown that today’s employees feel much more productive in a more relaxed and familiar environment.


Sustainable spaces

Regardless of their view on climate change, a large majority of the population agrees that being environmentally conscious is a good thing, in every way. And this is not only reflected in being environmentally responsible: it also involves embracing nature within the workspace.


The biophilic design continues to make heavy forays into the company’s offices, and data backs it up. Using green colors and plants on the walls can inspire, relax and lift the spirit of employees, making them much more enthusiastic and positive.


Open disconnection zones

This trend will undoubtedly gain a major boost from 2021, largely due to the psychological effects of the global pandemic. Society is still reeling because of its economic and health effects, but our social well-being has perhaps been the most affected of all. As people cautiously return outdoors, all eyes will soon turn to a workplace with the option of open spaces to be able to disconnect in free time. An example of this forecast is the constant work done by Gran Via BC to maintain a space with all the comforts in its terrace area. Large companies will want to attract their employees back to work with leisure areas which are designed to encourage such personal breaks for workers.


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