Barcelona, a world reference in economic and business competitiveness

28 January, 2020

Ease to balance work and personal life, both inside and outside the work space, is one of the main attractions for companies

Frequent technological changes make companies change and move around cities, developing their business in the most suitable environment without having to depend on a specific geographical venue.

An example of this path adopted by companies is applying models such as Flexi-working, which allow workers to combine more easily work and personal lives. This model already had an excellent reception in centers that are a reference in the workspaces sector, such as Gran Via Business & Meeting Center. What factors can therefore predetermine to choose one town or another?

Barcelona is amongst the best towns in the world to face future technology challenges in a secure manner, according to the latest Observatorio de Barcelona report. The city is well-positioned both in the European and in the world contexts, says the study, as it finds itself amongst the 25 most competitive cities in the world, at an economical and also at a business level.

The city positioning is therefore strengthened as a key factor in the engagement with companies that decide to expand in the area. “Private investments will be key in the years to come, considering that accounts of local and central governments are, most of the time, under too much pressure. Each part should be as committed with achieving external objectives as with the ones of their own”, explained in a recent interview Carsten Menke, Next Generation Research Responsible of private bank Julius Baer, who is studying sustainable options of future investments.

To support this approach, the main reasons that could justify that a company chooses Barcelona to expand or locate their workspace must also be considered, according to informations from the big data and artificial intelligence consulting firm Bismart:

With this set of factors, the workspaces offer where companies can accommodate is diverse and varied, and can respond to the needs of every company that is interested in moving to one of the world business capitals.

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