Gran Via Business Center: Rooms and experiential areas for training sessions in the heart of Barcelona

6 September, 2018

When summer is almost gone, the academic world is again under way, and gets ready to face a new year full of activities and training sessions. Although the beginning of the season is usually associated to the return to school or college classrooms, every sector adapts in its own way.

Following this path, the demand of areas and rooms where any kind of educational activity can be conducted is on the rise, both in number of requests as in logistic needs. In order to meet these requirements, Gran Via Business & Meeting Center has also been trained through the years, providing full professional service in Barcelona.

As training sessions users and organizers have to consider a wide range of needs, Gran Via BC has equipped its rooms with state-of-the-art technology: wireless screens and projectors, digital blackboards, as well of a PA system over the entire space, among other elements. “Clients can customize the room according to their needs, and then we tailor-make it”, says Center Manager, Susana de la Rubia, about each company having its own requirements, and the center covering them. An example of this would be the center’s catering service, an option that clients can choose as appropriate.

“In Gran Via BC we adapt to the length of the courses, whether they last one morning or more than a week”, points out De la Rubia as an example of the settings required by each training session. They can be divided into two models: internal training sessions, where a client trains its own stuff, and external training sessions and presentations, where professionals of other companies are invited to give specific courses about the client’s services or products.

The Japanese Lounge is the most popular of all the available areas in the workplace, as the figures show: “It is a very flexible area, with access to private terrace and high natural lighting”, underlines the Center Manager. With 50-people capacity, the terrace becomes one of the key spots in the room, as users can go outdoors and have a cigarette or take a break without having to use the shared areas.

If requested, there is another terrace in the center, in the roof of the sixth floor: a unique area in Barcelona because of service availability and its exclusive location right in the heart of the city.

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