Gran Via Business & Meeting Center greets summertime modernizing ‘La Pérgola’ space

28 June, 2018

With a new industrial nature, the terrace area fits the customer’s needs to stay one of the most used spaces of the year.

The coming of good weather means sun and switch-off moments, even for short periods of time. The terraces which are located in some buildings’ penthouses are an example of a perfect setting to enjoy the breeze, being outdoors without having to leave the city.

Knowing the high potential provided by these spaces in a city as Barcelona, Gran Via Business & Meeting Center wished, from the very beginning, to modernize the rooftop of the building in central Gran Via, so that everyone could enjoy an exclusive, separated from the city hustle area. But 10 years ago, they went one step beyond and enabled the area which was baptized as ‘La Pérgola’.

This space located inside the center’s terrace was quite distinctive, as it offered a number of features that pleased and attracted the customers, such as being covered and sheltered in case of extreme heat in the summer or cold and rain during the winter.

As a new feature for this summer, Gran Via BC has decided to give ‘La Pérgola’ a shift undergoing an integral reform, from top to bottom, in order to keep the modernity and comfort levels that define the center: “Our customers are very pleased with the results of the refurbishment”, highlights Center Manager Susana de la Rubia.

Socializing, coffee breaks, using wi-fi outside the work area… ‘La Pérgola’ has many different uses, but as the Center Manager points out, “the peak moment is at lunchtime”. According to the experience of the center’s team, more and more people choose to bring its own food to the center, saving time and money, which allows to leave work earlier.

Therefore, many of the implemented changes revolve around this day space: installing a large refrigerator, a coffee pot with its own dispenser or a dishwasher, it’s all about the customers “being able to fix it just as if they were home”, adds De la Rubia.

With the furniture adapted to the center’s design line (timber and brass), the choice was to endow an industrial nature to the area, granting it with an informal style and aiming to provide maximum width without giving up personal space.

Hence, this refurbished space abides a meeting point for those who want to have a chat or a break, and is equipped with air conditioning and heaters that can be used any time of the year. As the ornamental neon on the wall reminds it to any one walking by ‘La Pérgola’: “Time for a break”.

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